Maharashtra government launched Chalo mobile application as well as Chalo smart cards. This mobile app and smart card will facilitate digital, and advance purchase of BEST bus tickets. Chalo mobile app will allow passengers to buy bus tickets and passes through e-wallet. Besides, the mobile application will provide live bus tracking, and also information on how crowded the vehicle is, along with the arrival time of the bus.
The book Wealth of Nations was written by,
Which initiative helped reduce the misuse of household cylinders for commercial purposes and ensured subsidies reached the intended beneficiaries by dir...
The _________ is a measurement of a country’s overall trade where the value of the goods and services it imports exceeds the value of the products it ...
Which of the following components is not part of the assistance provided under PMAY-G?
Consider the following statements about PMAY(U):
1. Only nuclear families are eligible to avail benefits under PMAY(U).
...The Global IndiaAI Summit 2024, organized by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, aims to:
Which of the following ministry commenced the Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011?
In capitalism profits and wages are in relation to ones _______________________.
Which of the following Statements about the Panchayat Raj Institutions is/are True?
I- The 73rd Amendment added a new Part IX to the Constitution...
Which of the following Statements is/are True?
I- WHO is an independent agency owned by some of the top pharma companies across the globe.