The Kerala Arts and Crafts Village near Kovalam has won the 2021 International Craft Award for the best craft village of the year. The Kerala Arts and Crafts Village is an institution established by the Uralungal Labour Contract Co-operative Society for the state tourism department. The international craft award aims at honouring organizations, councils, governments, teachers, artists, designers and individuals around the world who have made significant contributions to the sustainable and comprehensive development of the handicraft industry.
Select the option in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers in the given set.
(28, 343, 21)
Select the option that is related to the third letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster.
...If 31 @ 9 = 24 and 53 @ 33 = 96, then 19 @ 47 = '?'.
Select a suitable figure from the Answer Figures that would replace the question mark (?) from question figure.
Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number is related to the first number and the sixth number is relate...
Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the blanks of the given letter series will complete the series.
_ H D E _ G I ...
If 84 % 6 @ 5 = 9 and 132 % 11 @ 3 = 9, then 256 % 8 @ 17 = ?
Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set. NOTE: Operations should be performed on the wh...
Cobbler : Leather: : Weaver : ?