In 1738-39, Nadir Shah raided India and took away Thakht-i-Taus (The Peacock throne) and Kohinoor Diamond during the period of Muhammad Shah.
(? + 11.86) X 14.89 = 19.89% of 2399.89
4999.99 ÷ 10.25 + 379.99 - 160.25 = ?
157.78% of 4820 + 92.33% of 2840 = ? + 115.55% of 1980
25.04 × 22.03 + 383.92 ÷ ? + 23.78% of 1499.98 = 926.08
(22.9)3 + (30.021)² - (19.11)3 - (44.98)² = ?
40.93√? + √6625 + √6920 + √? = 205.7542`xx` 7.654
124.88% of 60.101 + 18.09% of 849.87 – 22.12% of 1049.93= ? – 19.93
(24.78 × 11.67) + (7199.67 ÷ 14.99) = ? × 12.65
(115.25 + 324.78) ÷ 4.99 = ?2 – 56.44
[(2/3 of 899.79) + 25% of 500.21] × (√195.77 + 30.03% of 399.79) = ?