The central government has launched the “Mera Ration Mobile App” in the country on March 12, 2021. This app was launched in order to facilitate the ‘One Nation-One Ration Card’ system.
A cistern has two pipes. One can fill it with water in 16 hours and other can empty it in 10 hours. In how many hours will the cistern be emptied if bo...
Pipe P can fill a tank in 25 hours and Pipe Q can emptied it is 30 hours. Pipe P starts filling and they opened for 1 hour each alternatively in what ti...
Pipe E can fill a tank in 40 minutes while pipe F can fill the same tank in 50 minutes. If pipe E and F are opened simultaneously, then after how much t...
Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in (x+4) hours and (x+8) hours, respectively. Both pipes are opened together, and after 4 hours, pipe A is closed. Pip...
With a bucket full of water, a tank can be filled with 16 buckets. When each bucket holds 12.5 liters of water, how many buckets of 10-liter capacity ca...
Pipe ‘A’ and pipe ‘B’, together can fill 32% of a tank in 8 hours while pipe ‘C’ takes 35 hours to empty it. ...
Two pipes, A and B, can independently fill the tank in 15 minutes and 20 minutes respectively, while pipe C can empty 7 gallons from the tank in 2 minut...
Pipe ‘A’ can fill a tank in 12 hours whereas pipe ‘B’ can empty it in 30 hours. If both pipes are opened together while pipe ‘B’ is closed a...
Tap ‘A’ and tap ‘B’ can fill a tank in 40 hours and 36 hours, respectively. If both taps are opened together, then find the time after which tap...
Pipe ‘A’ takes 25 minutes to fill a tank. Pipe ‘B’ takes 40 minutes to empty the same tank. If pipe ‘B’ is opened 16 minutes after pipe ‘A...