A negotiable instrument is a commercial document in writing that contains an order for payment of money either on demand or after a certain time. There are of three types of Negotiable Instrument as per Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: I. Bills of exchange II. Promissory notes III. Cheques Currency is a legal tender, guaranteed by the government to transfer value but the Negotiable Instruments have following characteristics. · It is written document signed and stamped by the maker/drawer. · It has a specific payee to whom the value is transferable. · Negotiable Instruments requires acceptance and endorsement.
निम्नांकित विकल्पों में शुद्ध वर्तनी वाला विकल्प का ...
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' दैत्य+अरि ' संधि-विच्छेद का सही संधि शब्द है।
निम्नलिखित में विलोम की दृष्टि से शुद्ध युग्म हैं :
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निम्नलिखित में से शुद्ध वर्तनी वाला शब्द कौनसा है ?
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