The circular "Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme" provides a ₹50 per gram discount to investors who apply online and pay through digital mode.
Each consonant of the word ‘CAPITALISATION’ is changed to the previous letter in the English alphabetical series and each vowel is changed to the n...
When all the letters of the word “PARAMETER” are written in alphabetical order from left to right, which letter is third to the left of second lette...
Which of the following is a cyber-attack intended to redirect a website’s traffic to another bogus site either by changing the hosts file on a vic...
If 1 is added to each odd digit and 2 is subtracted from each even digit in the number 358716 and the new number thus formed is arranged in ascending or...
If the digits in the number 61205489 are arranged in descending order from left to right, what will be the difference between the digits which are four...
How many such pairs of letters are there in the words ‘COMPLIMENTS’ each of which has as many letters between them in words (both in backwar...
How many such pairs of digits are there in the given number ‘84762395’ each of which has as many digits between them in the number as in the Number...
If all the digits of the number 9637866458 are arranged in decreasing order, then sum of 5th and 6th digits (from the left end) o...
In the word ‘GRAVEYARD’ all consonants are written as their preceding letter and all vowels are written as their following letters. Now al...
Hari, a printer, is printing a book. He numbers the pages beginning with 1 and uses 3,189 digits in all. Can you tell the total number of pages in the b...