The Basel III capital regulations continue to be based on three-mutually reinforcing Pillars, viz. minimum capital requirements, supervisory review of capital adequacy, and market discipline of the Basel II capital adequacy framework. Under Pillar 1, the Basel III framework will continue to offer the three distinct options for computing capital requirement for credit risk and three other options for computing capital requirement for operational risk, albeit with certain modifications /enhancements. These options for credit and operational risks are based on increasing risk
The equilibrium moisture content of a food product placed in stream of drying air depends upon…. &….of air ( RH & Temperature )
...Milk powder contains moisture percentage.
Which of the following factors affects microbial growth
a) pH
b) Oxygen availability
c) Storage temperatur...
Choose the correct statement in context of GMP
a) Safety glasses and Masks are not mandatory when handling hazardous chemicals.
Biological value of Egg is…
Which of the following Antimicrobial preservatives used in food packaging film.
a) Organic Acids
b) Spice & herb extract ...
Anthocyanins commonly found in
a) Skin of red apples
b) Skin of red plums
c) Skin of red grapes
…… is considered as good cholesterol& …. is considered as bad cholesterol.( HDL & LDL )
What is the sweetness of Sucralose in relation with sucrose?
a) 150×
b) 300×
c) 450×
d) ...
Antimicrobial functions in films can be achieved by