
    Based on the following case study, answer the following 3 questions.  Ram moved to ABC Ltd, because of the attractive growth opportunities at ABC Ltd. He was laterally hired at a senior position in ABC Ltd. Ram faced various challenges at ABC, though. His colleagues did not like him as he was a lateral hire while they had been in the company for years, growing through the levels. So he felt like an outsider. Furthermore, he lacked the freedom to take decisions. Another challenge that Ram faced was related to ineffective and non-working air conditioners in the office, which made it difficult for him to focus on work. He complained about the ACs condition, but the issue remained un-resolved. Later Ram left ABC Ltd. to start his own venture.

    How could the company, ABC Ltd, have made Ram stay in

    the company?
    A By giving better working conditions Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B By giving him more autonomy and challenging work Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C By giving him more pay and perks Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D By ensuring his colleagues like him Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E By hiring him at entry level and not as lateral Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    There were many factors that Ram did not enjoy at the organisation. But later he left to start his own venture. As such, the key reason for him was autonomy and challenging work.

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