
    Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the part with the error as your answer. If there is no error, mark "No Error" as your answer. (Ignore the errors of punctuation).

    Farmers from Tamil Nadu demanding debt relief staged a

    grisly protest in New Delhi, pretended to eat live rats and showing the skulls of neighbours who they said had committed suicide.
    A Farmers from Tamil Nadu demanding Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B debt relief staged a grisly protest in New Delhi, Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C pretended to eat live rats and showing the skulls of neighbours Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D who they said had committed suicide. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No error Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Replace ‘pretended’ by ‘pretending’.

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