The correct answer is C
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words/phrases from the options.
Steps to implement all the recommendations of the Reconciliation Commis...
Choose the correct answer to fill the given blank
She _____ to the gym three times a week.
Certain characteristics can be developed ___________ selective breeding.
In the following question a sentence is given with a blank. Choose the most appropriate option to make the sentence contextually and grammatically co...
People ______ buy our garments always return for ________ because of its feel.
The watchman asked everyone entering the building to show their ________ card.
A couple who live only a quarter of a mile from the blast site woke up believing the area __________ hit by an earthquake.
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
The manager's ______ planning proved to be very profitable for the company.
Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.
Let us know ______ you change your mind.
These latest scandals will provide _____________ fuel for his political opponents.