They agreed to repair the damage freely of charge.
'free' instead of 'freely'
Under the RBI’s guidelines for import of gold by Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) holders, how many days of advance payment are allowed for Qualified Jewellers...
With which of the following is the 'Service Area Approach' associated with?
As per the new RBI guidelines for Credit institutions (CIs) effective January 1, 2025, how frequently must Credit Institutions (CIs) update their credi...
In cost accounting, overheads are classified into various categories based on the nature of the expenses. Which category do Director’s remuneration an...
What is the name of the banking service which is provided by a group of networked bank branches where customers may access their bank account and perfo...
Calculate the Debt Equity ratio of the company.
Where is the headquarter of International Energy Agency (IEA)?
Which among the following is NOT a constituent of Tier-II capital of banks according to BASEL Accord?
'Recognition of Prior Learning Scheme' is sometimes mentioned in the news with reference to (2017)
How many financial centers were researched for the GFCI 35, of which 121 are in the main index?