Why funds are given to non-existent schools remains a mystery but repeated appeals to convert a school on paper to a real one has fallen on deaf ears.
have instead of has
Civil Court can be requested for assistance in taking evidence by?
As per the Motor Vehicles Act if the claimant accepts the offer of settlement made by officer designated by the Insurance company the settlement shall b...
In 2020, the Ministry of Home Affairs constituted a committee to review the three codes of criminal law. Who was appointed as the head of this committee?
Principal has been defined under Sec. 182 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 as ____________
The officers and other employees of the Authority under the IRDA Act may be appointed by whom?
Private person may arrest any person who in his presence commits ?
Parties are free to determine the number of arbitrators in an Arbitral Tribunal provided that-
A minor :
As per the IRDA Act, 1999_______________ is the time period which is there as a bar on the future employment of members?
While taking evidence under SEBI (Procedure for Holding Inquiries and Imposing Penalties) 1995 the Board or adjudicating officer shall