Seeds are the/ source of life and the first /link in the food chain / and control over seed / means control over lives / foods and freedom of people
The State Forest department, Green people society and WWF has organized the bird festival in ?
Which ministry organized the National Campaign for Updation and Verification of People's Biodiversity Register (PBR) in Goa?
What was the theme for World Habitat Day 2022?
The facial recognition system Digiyatra has been kicked off on 1st December, 2022 by the central government on which of the following airports?
What was the target asset monetization under the National Monetization Pipeline for 2023-24?
The Passport Index has published its latest update, revealing that India's Mobility Scores has fallen & has India experienced the largest global drop ...
In reference to Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities, consider the following statements:
1. Originally, the Constitution of India did not ...
Recently World Bank has appointed a "neutral expert" in the view of disagreements and differences between India and Pakistan over which of the following...
When and where was the fifth edition of the World Coffee Conference held?
In which country the 12th edition of the 'World Hindi Conference' is being held?