
    Directions : In each of the given questions an inference is given which is then followed by three paragraphs. You have to find the paragraph(s) from where it is inferred. Choose the option with the best possible outcome as your choice.

    Inference- Economy affected in a negative way.

    >I. COVID-19 is not only a global pandemic and public health crisis; it has also severely affected the global economy and financial markets. It has become clear that most governments in the world underestimated the risks of rapid COVID-19 spread and were mostly reactive in their crisis response. As disease outbreaks are not likely to disappear in the near future, proactive international actions are required to not only save lives but also protect economic prosperity. II. Economists studying China face thorny theoretical and empirical issues, mostly deriving from the country's years of central planning and strict government control of many industries, which tend to distort prices and misallocate resources. In addition, since the Chinese national accounting system differs from the systems used in most Western nations, it is difficult to derive internationally comparable data on the Chinese economy. III. High productivity growth from before the war continued after the war and until the early 1970s. Manufacturing was aided by automation technologies such as feedback controllers, which appeared in the late 1930s were a fast-growing area of investment following the war. Wholesale and retail trade benefited from new highway systems, distribution warehouses, and material handling equipment such as forklifts and intermodal containers.
    A Only I Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Both II and III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Only II Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Both I and II Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E I, II and III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Only I talks about economy being affected negatively. II talks about the measure of growth. III talks about increased production after the war, which is economic growth.

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