Five statements are given below labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 and
5. Among these, four statements are in a logical order and form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options choose the option that does not fit into the theme of the passage.
Indications are that Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Goa and parts of Tamil Nadu may get less than average rainfall this year, while Kerala, Karnataka and the Western Ghats region could get more than the normal.
Correct Answer
Incorrect Answer
That should make it a central policy concern, with efforts made to tap every drop.
Correct Answer
Incorrect Answer
Preparing for rainfall variations between years and among geographic regions should be a policy goal, but this has not received the needed attention.
Correct Answer
Incorrect Answer
The long-term neglect is reflected in the lack of irrigation facility for more than half of all productive land.
Correct Answer
Incorrect Answer
A good year is a time to prepare for the future, and if 2017 concludes with a bountiful monsoon and harvest as expected, the Centre and the States should focus on creating the infrastructure that will build resilience against droughts.
Correct Answer
Incorrect Answer