
    Directions (Q. 16-20):In each of the questions below, the sentences have a pair of words that are highlighted. From the highlighted words, select the most appropriate word (A or B) to form correct sentence. The sentences are followed by options that indicate the words, which may be selected to correctly complete the sentences. From the options given, choose the most appropriate one.

    Juries are adjured (A) / abjured (B) to consider only

    the evidence presented at trial as they attempt to reach a verdict in an action. The fever effected (A) / affected (B) her health to a great extent. Our college professor accepted (A) / excepted (B ) the award reluctantly.
    A ABB Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B BBA Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C ABA Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D BAA Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E BAB Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Adjure - to appeal earnestly; Abjure - to avoid/shun/give up something. Affect- to influence something or someone; Effect - a result of something. Accept - to receive something; Except - to leave out something.

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