Synectics Technique of decision-making was developed by William J.J. Gordon and George M. Prince in 1944. He termed the technique synectics, a Greek derivation which meansfitting together different, distinct, novel and irrelevant ideas. It refers to the discussing of a problem before a group of experts with a special request to think and develop ideas that are creative and innovative, to arrive at a consensus solution through discussion.
Match Column I and Column II and choose the correct match from the given choice
Directions: Choose the combination that completes the sentences.
In the following question, two columns are given, containing three phrases each. A phrase from the first column may or may not connect with a phrase fr...
In each of the following questions, two columns are given containing three sentences/ phrases each. A sentence or phrase from the first column may or m...
Column (1) | In the following questions two columns are given. In column-I three sentences are given, each of them consisting of a blank which may or may not be fil... Relevant for Exams: |