Aman purchased 4 pens, 5 pencils and 8 scales for Rs. 120. Had Aman purchased 7 pens, 8 pencils and 11 scales, he would have to pay Rs. 192. Pankaj demanded 2 pens, 2 pencils and 2 scales. If Aman purchased only what was demanded by Pankaj, then how much would he have paid?
The correct answer is B
Match the followings
A. Root nodules I. Azobactor
B. Fungus II. Rhizobium
C. Biof...
During milling of wheat, nutrient losses occur, fortification helps in adding back those nutrients……………………………… when added to whe...
The net assimilation rate is expressed in terms
Headquarter of National Horticulture board is located at
Which entomopathogens fungus role as biological control agent in cotton bollworm?
Active packaging systems use oxygen scavengers while packaging grated cheese to:
Kufri Pukhraj, Kufri Sheetman and Kufri Alankar are varieties of
Estimate the percent moisture in a given SAMPLE:Weight of moist soil+ box= 200 gm Weight of oven dry soil+ box= 160 gm Weight of empty box - 50 gm
When both alleles of a gene express equally in a heterozygote, it is termed as…………….
Gummosis is associated with which fruit crop?