Select the word that is spelled INCORRECTLY.
Given below are sentences with an error in each. The error is in one part of the sentence. Below each sentence are given the options containing the par...
Identify the segment in the sentence that contains a grammatical error-
He promises, I'll call you as soon as I get home.
She wanted telling you who you could approach for your problem.
A motley crew of (A)/hapless musicians and street performers (B)/are seen trying to show up citizens (C)/in what appears to be a breadline (D).
From the options given below, select the option which states the correct combination of incorrect sentences. I) As winter begins to roll in and Delhi s...
Before we can enjoy (A) / this world, we have to (B) / learn the technique of enjoyment. (C) / No error(D)
The continuing appreciation of the rupee’s real exchange rate meaning exports are increasing going to find themselves struggling to compete on pri...
They are looking forward (A)/to meet (B)/their parents. (C)
Not let grass grow under feet