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Which Indian received the Nobel Peace Prize after Mother Teresa?
Which of the following awards were received by Virat Kohli and Mirabai Chanu in September 2018?
Padma Shri awardee Rohini Godbole passed away in October 2024. She was a renowned:
Which of the following is the highest award (in order of precedence) for military services?
In what year did Mahmud of Ghazni invade the Somnath temple in Gujarat?
In which field ‘ saraswati Samman ’ award is given?
Appan Menon Award is given in the field of _____
Name the poet that has won the World Literary Prize from the World Organization of Writers (WOW) for his/her contributions to the world of literature.
Who won the Singapore Literature Prize for English fiction with 'Nine Yard Sarees'?
Who was the first Indian to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics.