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NSWS - National Single Window System Jammu & Kashmir has become the first Union Territory to integrate with the National Single Window System (NSWS). This will help the UT in Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) efforts. NSWS is linked with the India Industrial Land Bank (IILB) which hosts 45 industrial parks of J&K that will help Investors to discover available land parcels in J&K.
Pointing to a photograph, an unmarried man, who has only one sister says, “The woman in the photograph is the maternal grandmother of my niece.” How...
‘R+S’ means ‘R is the daughter of S’. ‘R−S’ means ‘R is the husband of S’.‘R × S’ means ‘R is the brother of S’. If ‘B × C...
How is H related to M?
How is G related to I?
How many male members are in the family?
How is Nisha related to Mansi?
...How is W related to R?
How is M related to H?
There are six persons, K, S, N, V, Y and W in a family. W is the paternal grandmother of K. N is the sister of Y. S is the father of N. K is the only so...
Who among the following person is the mother of D?