Interceptor drains intercept (cutoff) the surface or subsurface flow from higher reaches before such water can encroach upon the cultivated lands and create waterlogging problem. They are also called ‘relief drains’. They can be of open type or buried pipe type.
Based on the scenario given, choose the decision from the options which would be most suitable.
For a first time offence by an employee at the fa...
The Internet utilizes the TCP/IP protocol and is accessed using a computer modem or network that is connected through an ISP . What is t...
How many steps will be required to get the final output from the following input?
Input: 182 317 67 249 417 91 293
Integrated software package generally include all EXCEPT a:
If H = I, F ≥ G, H < G and J > I , then which of the following conclusion is true?
Identify the word which belongs to the class of given words. Ring, Bracelet, Necklace, _________
In a certain code language, ‘201511920’ is related to 'TOAST' in the same way ‘321181851420’ is related to which of the following words?
...In what scenario might Web-based password management be your best option
एक घड़ी में 12:30 बजने पर घण्टे की सूई उ Ÿार दिषा में है तथा मिन...
Who among the following person sits fourth to the left of N?