If all the digits of the number 6284593 are arranged in descending order from left to right, the position of how many digit /digits will remain unchanged?
6 2 8 4 5 9 3 9 8 6 5 4 3 2
The Karan Swiss is a composition breed of cattle developed in India at the National Dairy Research Institute of India (NDRI) Karnal by crossing _____ an...
Growing different crops in association with each other on the same field at the same time is called ________cropping.
National Milk Day is being celebrated on
The Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) was set up by the Government in 1995-96 for financing ongoing rural Infrastructure projects. The Fund i...
Three particles have diameters of 0.5, 1.5, and 0.15 mm. The three particles are
Extension Education Institute for North India is located at:
The process of burning of trashes, weeds or any organic refuse on the soil surface for the sterilization of nursery beds is known as
Single line of command was one of the main features of:
Which of the following soil horizon is also known as the 'Zone of illuviation'?
Extension Programme is a statement of situation, objectives, problems and: