Ages was calculated with respect to 2020 M was born on1988 hence age is 32. M’s birth month is neither August nor he born in first half of the year. The difference between the age of M and Q is 6 years. M’s birth month is neither August nor he born in first half of the year. It is clear that M birth month is July O’s age is equal to the last two digit or birth year of Q and his birth month is not April. O’s is 82, 28, 94, and 49. As mention in the instruction. O’s age is 28 and 49. T’s age is m square number greater that M’s age and both are born on consecutive months.Person’s whose birth year is odd on the month, which has even number of days. P’s age is half of the age of S’s age whose age is last two digit of T’s birth year. N who was born just next month on which P born. For Q and S month is not given. So
Who among the following sits fourth to the right of P?
Who among the following live on the floors between the floors on which Suman and Naresh live?
Who among the following sits at extreme left end of the row?
Who among the following seated opposite to V in same circle?
Who amongst the following reads The Hindu?
How many persons are seated in a table (Including unknown persons)?
Six members (A, B, C, D, E, and F) of a family decide to have a family photo taken, and are sitting on a bed to be photographed. B is to the right of D,...
Which of the following is true regarding E as per the given seating arrangement?
Who sits 3rd to the right of T?
Who among the following sits second to the right of N?