
    Directions: A number arrange  machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement: Input: 207, 59, 324, 23, 135, 173, 312 Step I: 207, 59, 312, 23, 135, 173, 324 Step II: 23, 59, 312, 207, 135, 173, 324 Step III: 23, 59, 173, 207, 135, 312, 324 Step IV: 23, 59, 135, 207, 173, 312, 324 Step V: 23, 59, 135, 173, 207, 312, 324 This is the final arrangement and step V is the last step for this input.

    How many steps will be required to get the final output

    from the following input? Input: 18, 93, 11, 43, 113, 65, 8, 58
    A VI Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B V Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C II Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Input: 18, 93, 11, 43, 113, 65, 8, 58 Step I: 18, 93, 11, 43, 58, 65, 8, 113 Step II: 8, 93, 11, 43, 58, 65, 18, 113 Step III: 8, 18, 11, 43, 58, 65, 93, 113 Step IV: 8, 11, 18, 43, 58, 65, 93, 113

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