Clearly, in the given arrangement numbers thatare multiples of 3 are arranged first, in ascending order; followed by multiples of 7 in ascending order. Input: 183 35 553 201 273 249 511 91 Step I: 183 201 35 553 273 249 511 91 Step II: 183 201 249 35 553 273 511 91 Step III: 183 201 249 273 35 553 511 91 Step IV: 183 201 249 273 35 91 553 511 Step V: 183 201 249 273 35 91 511 553 Since all the numbers get arranged in Step V according to the logic above, final output comes in Step V
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Pardon may be tendered to an accomplice under Section 306 CrPC when
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