If all the letters in the word ‘JUMBLED’ are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right such that the vowels are arranged first followed by the consonants, how many alphabets are there which do not change their positions in the new arrangement?
Given word -J U M B L E D After change - E U B D J L M
The US Federal Reserve has announced an increase in interest rates to combat rising inflation. This has led to an appreciation of the US dollar against ...
Which asset management company launched India's first Defence Index Fund?
According to the Union Budget 2023-24, consider the following statements.
1. Government will recruit 38,800 teachers and support staff for the ...
An investment fund that is traded on an exchange is known as
A current account maintained by a domestic bank with a foreign bank, in a foreign country is known as?
What is the Cash reserve ratio (CRR) as of May 2022?
Changes in Inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade will be calculated by which of the following?
After how many years of remaining unclaimed, are the proceeds of such inoperative accounts to be transferred to the Depositor Education and Awareness...
Calculate the Quick ratio based on above information?
Crystallisation of outstanding Foreign currency liability into rupee liability, in case of non realisation of export bill, is to be done at ________