If all the letters in the word ‘OPTIMISTIC’ are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right such that the vowels are arranged first followed by the consonants, how many letters are there between O and M after arrangement?
Given word - O P T I M I S T I C After change - I I I O C M P S T T
Under the newly imposed restrictions by SEBI on the placement of bids for undertaking share buyback through the stock exchange route, a company will n...
Which of the following has been launched to strengthen the digital infrastructure of the country by the government of India?
1. Governme...
Which of the following options is not correct in regards to the members of IFSCA?
The instrument where coupon and principal payments of bonds are converted into separate securities and are separately traded is called:
The contributory pension system shall be deemed to be the National Pension System with effect from__________________
The freedom to convert a country's domestic currency into foreign currency and vice versa, without any restrictions or limitations is known as _________...
Which of the following is not one of the roles played by Global Financial Centres?
Identify the type of International Financial center.
They are the most well-known and established centers. They are the largest and most influ...
The highest surcharge rate of 37% on income above 5 crores shall be reduced to ______ % under the new tax regime.
Consider the following document and give the answer:
I. Annual Financial Statement (AFS)
II. Demands for ...