Conclusions: I) Z > D → False (as Y > B > C < D, Z < C → Z < C < D → Z < D. So, this conclusion is incorrect.) II) Y > A → False (as Y > B > C < D, A > B; thus, no clear relation between Y and A could be inferred from the given data.) III) B > Z → True (as Y > B > C ; A > B; Z < C; thus, So, this conclusion is correct.) Hence, conclusion III is correct. In the decoded text, ">" represents the "greater than" symbol, and "→" represents the arrow symbol used to indicate logical implications.
राजभाषा के 12 प्र का प्रयोग कहाँ से प्रेरणा ले कर बनाया है –
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लीला मोबाइल ऐप राजभाषा के विषय में सही कथन का चुनाव करें।
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