Opposite of M = N Opposite of O = L Opposite of D = W Opposite of E = V Similarly, Opposite of J = Q Opposite of A = Z Opposite of I = R Opposite of L = O
What was the inflation rate for food and beverages in India in August 2024?
What unique support will Indian athletes have at the Paris Olympics?
Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding India's oil imports from Russia?
1. India has become the world's largest importer of R...
The Bumchu Festival is celebrated at which monastery?
Which of the following is NOT one of the STARS states represented in the workshop?
Which of the following statements is/are not true with respect to the data provided by the 360 ONE Wealth Hurun India Rich List 2023?
I.For the f...
According to Goldman Sachs, what factors contribute to India being a favorable destination for investments?
Five states have raised Rs 5,250 crore through an auction for state government securities.Thus,according to the Reserve Bank of India,which state has ra...
Union Bank of India has recently launched New Saving & Current Account Schemes in order to enhance inclusivity and diversity.Which of the following is n...
Who was appointed as the Vice Chief of the Naval Staff in January 2024?