Let money received by men and women be 5x and 4x respectively. As per the question, 5x + 4x = 3,60,000 ⇒9x = 3,60,000 ⇒ x = 40,000 Amount received by men = 40,000 ×5 = Rs. 2,00,000 and amount received by women = 40,000 ×4 = Rs. 1,60,000 Let number of men = a and number of women =66 – a Amount received by each man = 200000/a and amount received by each women = 160000/66 - a As per the question, ⇒ (200000/a)/ ( 160000/66 - a) = 3/2 ⇒ (200000/a) × (66 - a)/160000 = 3 /2 ⇒ 5 ( 66 - a) / 4a = 3 /2 ⇒660 – 10a = 12a ⇒22a = 660 a = 30 Number of men = 30
Fingerling is the proper size for stocking in table fish production ponds. What is the ideal size of a fingerling ?
Which of the following element has a perforated cell wall?
A cross between two inbreds by reversing the orders of male and female parent is called?
Under PMAY-G, how much is the minimum house size including a dedicated cooking area to be built?
Unfolding of a protein can be termed as
Which of the following is not the pest of paddy?
Which instrument is used to determine the adulteration of water content in milk?
The sodium hazard (Sodicity hazard) of irrigation water are often expressed through SAR. What shall be considered a safe SAR value for irrigation water ...
Bacterial leaf blight of rice caused by Xanthomonas oryzae can be identified by
Average rate of change in population is estimated by