
A dishonest shopkeeper takes 20% more than the indicated weight when he purchases the items from the dealer. He gives 20% less than the indicated weight to his customer at the cost price, then find the profit percentage of the shopkeeper?

A 25% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B 30% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C 50% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D 45% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


Let the correct weight be 1 kg and Cost price be Rs 1000 Quantity purchased by the shopkeeper = 1200 g Quantity sold by the shopkeeper = 800 g We have, S.P of 800 g = C.P of 1200 g S.P of 800 g = Rs 1200 C.P of 800 g = Rs 800 Therefore, profit by selling 800 g of item = Rs 1200 – 800 = Rs 400 Profit % = 400/800 × 100 = 50%

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