A purchased an article for Rs 3500. She sold the article at 12% profit. She then added Rs 600 to the amount received and purchased a purse such that the seller of purse gained 25%. Find the cost price of purse for the seller.
√ ({(5.5× 2.3)× √ (728.91))} = 3(1/7)÷ ?/28
...? × [(16.87) 2 – (6.98) 2 ] = 5.04× 191.11
54.8% of 800 - √(?) = 33.98% of 400 – 12.42% of 300
A Sales Executive gets a commission on total sales at 10%. If the sale is exceeded Rs.15,000 he gets an additional commission as a bonus of 5% on the ex...
59.978% of 800.315 - 229.95 = ? - 24.95% of 200.15
(10.98% of 499.99) - 4.998 = √?
(799.81/64)÷ (10/799.92) × (129.84/130) = ?
...(899.117 + 1.1121) X 72.731 = ? + 49.95 X 64.78 + 29.50
431.98 + ? – 15.04 = 864.93 – 368.01
(16.16 × 34.98) + 14.15% of 549.99 = ? + 124.34