A started a business with an investment of Rs 16,000. After 2 months B joins in with 5/8 of the amount that A invested and A withdraws Rs 4,000. After 2 more months, C joins with Rs 12,000 and A again withdraws Rs 2,000. After an year, If C received Rs 3,120 as his share then what was the total profit?
Ratio equivalent capitals of A, B and C for 1 year = (16,000×2+ 12,000×2+10,000×8) : ( 5/8× 16,000 ×10)∶(12,000×8) = (32,000+24,000+80,000) ∶1,00,000∶96,000 = 1, 36, 000 : 1,00,000 : 96,000 = 136 : 100 : 96 = 34:25:24 If the total profit at the end of the year be Rs x, then 24x/((34+25+24)) = 3,120 ⇒ 24x = 3,120 × 83 ⇒ x = (3,120 ×83)/24 = Rs 10,790
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What is the single discount equivalent to the successive discounts of 10%, 20%, and 15%?
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-A shopkeeper bought an article marked it 80% above the cost price and sold it after giving a discount of 25%. Had he bought it for Rs 400 less and sold...