Profit of company in 2014 = Rs.(150 – 130) cr ⇒ Profit of company in 2014 = Rs. 20 cr Percentage Revenue = Profit/Revenue × 100 Percentage Revenue of company in 2014 = 20/150 × 100 = 13.33% ----(1) Profit of company in 2015 = Rs.(210 – 150) cr ⇒ Profit of company in 2015 = Rs. 60 cr Percentage Revenue of company in 2015 = 60/210 × 100 = 28.57% ----(2) Profit of company in 2016 = Rs.(200 – 175) cr ⇒ Profit of company in 2016 = Rs. 25 cr Percentage Revenue of company in 2016 = 25/200 × 100 = 12.5% ----(3) Profit of company in 2017 = Rs.(240 – 200) cr ⇒ Profit of company in 2017 = Rs. 40 cr Percentage Revenue of company in 2017 = 40/240 × 100 = 16.67% ----(4) Profit of company in 2018 = Rs.(220 – 165) cr ⇒ Profit of company in 2018 = Rs. 55 cr Percentage Revenue of company in 2018 = 55/220 × 100 = 25% ----(5) Profit of company in 2019 = Rs.(255 – 170) cr ⇒ Profit of company in 2019 = Rs. 85 cr Percentage Revenue of company in 2019 = 85/255 × 100 = 33.33% ----(6) We observe that only (2) and (6) have profit more than 25% ⇒ Number of years in which profit is more than 25% = 2
किस अनुच्छेद में लिखा है कि उच्चतम / उच्च न्यायालयों , संसद ...
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दसवाँ विश्व हिन्दी सम्मेलन वर्ष 2015 का आयोजन स्थल था।