
Average 20 numbers is ‘x’. If the average of first 12 numbers is 62.5 while average of last 5 numbers is 84.8 and 13th, 14th and 15th numbers are (3x - 49), (x + 52) and 183 respectively. Find the 14th number.

A 132 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
B 137 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
C 142 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
D 131 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
E None of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


According to question, => 20x = 62.5 × 12 + 84.8 × 5 + 3x – 49 + x + 52 + 183 => 16x = 1360 => x = 85 Therefore, 14thnumber = 85 + 52 = 137

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