The average of n numbers is 60. If each of 55% of the numbers is increased by 16 and each of the remaining numbers is decreased by 12, then the new average of the numbers will be
Desire Average = 60 + ((55 x 16 - 45 x 12)/100) = 60 + 3.4 = 63.4
Who among the following is senior to SI and junior to ASP?
Who among the following give interview immediately before K?
On which of the following days the English exam was held?
Who among the following lives two floors above the floor on which B lives in the same flat?
Q has attend the party on which of the following day?
Who among the following lives immediate above the vacant flat?
Who lives immediately above Q in the same flat number?
Who among the following lives at floor number 5?
Who among the following lives just above the one who lives on the sixth floor?
How many persons likes after the one who likes Papaya?