Court need not frame charges in which case?
Under section 251 Code of Criminal Procedure, when the accused appears or is brought before the Magistrate, particulars of the offence with which he is accused or the accusation leveled against the accused shall be stated to him and he shall be asked whether he pleads guilty or has any defence to make. Either in summary trial cases or in summons procedure cases, it is not at all necessary to frame a charge against the accused person. If the accused pleads not guilty and claims to be tried after his examination under section 251 Cr.PC in a summary trial case, court has to conduct trial by following the procedure for summary trials and pronounce judgment under section 264 Cr.PC.
Self-help, Dignity of labour, Self-respect, Truth and non-violence are the principles of which project?
Indian Institute of pulse research is located at
Amount of water in 5 ha cm will be
How many varieties of high-yielding and climate-friendly crops will be released?
The chemical responsible for the production of silver shoot in rice due to the attack by rice gall midge is
The bulk density of soil was 1.40 Mg/m3 and particle density was 2.70 Mg/m3. Calculate pore space in soil.
Transfer of heat energy from the sun to the moon takes place by
Which of the following states in India provide maximum oil palm production?
For green manuring sunhemp can be sown during
Ectocarpus, Dictyota,Laminaria, Sargassum are examples of _____