Taxation, public spending, and public borrowing are all examples of instruments that fall under the purview of the government's fiscal policy, which is the policy that determines how the government pursues its many economic policy goals. To put it another way, the strategy of the government to create sustainable growth involves increasing both expenditure and revenue.
(0.16) -2.5 = ?
(3125) -3/5 = ?
Find the Value of √(-√3+√(3+8√(7+4√3)))?
(1.69) -1.5 = ?
What is least number which when successively divided by 6, 4 and 4 leaves a remainder 5, 3 and 3 respectively?
if 3P=9q=27t and 1/3P+1/6q+1/9t=36/7 , then t = ?
(5⁴) 5 × (25³)³ = ?
(0.64)3/2 = ?
Which among the following is the greatest?
296, 372, 460, 548