Red and green is the most convenient combination during day and night time because of very precise visibility. In modem colour theory, also known as the RGB colour model, red, green and blue are additive primary colours. Red, green and blue light combined together makes white light, and these three colours, combined in different mixtures, can produce almost any colour. This is the principle used to make the colours on computer screen and television.
Lichens, the pioneer organisms that initiate ecological succession are actually a symbiotic association of
Fertiliser material that has maximum sulphur content is:
Which of the following microorganism is eliminated in canned foods?
What is the result of crossing between 7 inbred lines of India x African crosses in Pearl Millet breeding?
The term lay farming is related to-
Which regions in India are specially considered for the Special Area Games Support Programme by the Sports Authority of India?
A complete flower will always be
Guano is distinct from other organic manures because:
Deficiency of which element in soil cause chlorosis in plant
Algae are further classified into different classes based on which of the following characteristics?