Flying officer Avani Chaturvedi from Madhya Pradesh has scripted history by becoming the first Indian woman to fly a fighter aircraft solo. She flew a MiG-21 bison in her first solo sortie from IAF’s Jamnagar base in Gujarat on February 19. She is one of the three in the first batch of female pilots, besides Bhawana Kanth and Mohana Singh, who were inducted in Indian Air Force fighter squadron in 2016 .
Toned milk should contain minimum ____% fat and ___% SNF.
Sulphur dioxide is widely used to preserve:
Which of the following potential is always negative?
Colors are used to classify toxicity levels in insecticide. Which level of toxicity is depicted by blue color?
The Bhopal tragedy was caused by the gas
Aflatoxin is an example of
……………… is the apex body in India for research and education pertaining to Agriculture?
Zygodormancy is present in:
Which is not a part of Farm Management?
The substance that is added to make natural rubber strong and more bouncy is-