The Institute for Development & Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) is a unique institution exclusively focused on Banking Technology. Established by the RBI in 1996, the Institute works at the intersection of Banking and Technology. It is located in Hyderabad, India.
Some water is liquid.
Some liquid is milk.
No ice is milk.
I. Some water is milk.
Statement : Only pant is T-shirt
Some pant is Shirt
No shirt is jacket.
I. All T-shirt being Shirt is a pos...
Statements :
All sparrows are parrots.
No parrot is bird.
All birds are peacocks.
I. Some birds are...
Some Joker are Clown
Only a few Clown are Hunters
All Hunters are Circus
Some Circus are not Clone
Every Demand are Supply.
Few Supply are Inflation.
Only a few Inflation are Deflations.
I. A...
Statements: Some reds are blues.
All blues are greens.
Some greens are not yellows.
Statement :Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
All flowers are thorns.
Some flowers are leaves.
I. No leaf is a thorn.
...Read the given statements and select which of the conclusions given in the options logically follows from the statements.
Statements : No triangle is a square.
Some squares are rectangles.
All rectangles are circles.
Conclusions : I. Some circles are ...
Statements:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Some mangos are apple.
                             All apples are orange.