Red and green is the most convenient combination during day and night time because of very precise visibility. In modem colour theory, also known as the RGB colour model, red, green and blue are additive primary colours. Red, green and blue light combined together makes whitelight, andthese three colours, combined in different mixtures, can produce almost any colour. This is the principle used to make the colours on computer screen and television.
In a certain code language, 'BDE' is coded as ‘40’, and 'CFB' is coded as '36'. How will 'FDH' be coded in that language?
Which of the following will be the code of "Life Live What"?
In a code language ‘rym’ means ‘outrage religious feelings’, ‘nrx’ means ‘religious information technology’ and ‘xyq’ means ‘outra...
In a certain code 'PROCESS' is written as '#+751$$' and 'INTO' is written as '*2%7'. How is ' OPTION ' written in that code?
What will be the code for ‘Awaited’?  Â
What is the code for ‘You’?
In a certain code language, MARKETS is coded as 247 and PRODUCT is coded as 320. How will FIELDS be coded in the same coding language?
In a certain code language, 'tim pac' means 'red colour', 'pit it tim' means 'red and black' and 'nac pit' means 'yellow black'. Which word in that lang...
In a certain code language ‘MONEY’ is written as ‘LPMFX’ and ‘HUMID’ is written as ‘GVLJC’. How is ‘SCRUB’ written in that code? Â...