The Rajasthan Chief Minister Shri Ashok Gehlot launched a scheme in the 2022-23 budget to create employment in metropolitan areas. •Families living in urban areas will receive 100 days of employment each year under the new urban employment scheme. •According to the new instructions, everyone between the ages of 18 and 60 who live in the local body area would be enrolled under the system using their Jan Aadhaar cards.
1. Letter
2. Word
3. Chapter
4. Paragraph
5. Sentence
Each even digit in the number 245367 is replaced by the next higher digit and each odd digit is replaced by the previous lower digit and the digits obta...
If all the letters of the word " FLYOVER " are arranged in alphabetical order then how many letters will retain their original position?
Which of the following statement is true regarding M?
What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement?
Z A 9 4 Δ...
Who amongst the following go to Dehradun?
How many persons sit between X and Q?
By interchanging the given two signs and numbers which of the following equation will be not correct?
× and ÷, 2 and 6
I. 7 – 4 × 3...
1. Examination
2. Job
3. Apply
4. Earn
5. Study
If in the word ‘NOSTALGIC’, all the vowels are changed to the next letter and all the consonants are changed to the previous letter. Which of the fo...