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In 1992, the 73rd Constitution Amendment Act was passed, which took effect from April 24, 1993, it was related to Gram Panchayats and enable them to function as self-governing bodies. Later a new Eleventh Schedule was added to the Constitution. This schedule includes 29 panchayat functional items. It is concerned with Article 243-G.
What is the name of the Indian Navy’s nuclear-powered submarine?
What new international recognition did Thiruvananthapuram International Airport achieve in May 2024?
The first 'Radio Frequency Seeker' of Akash missile has been built by?
What edition of the bilateral Japan-India Maritime Exercise (JIMEX 24) took place in June 2024?
How many moons have been recently discovered around the planet Jupiter?
Which state in India was the pioneer in offering a monthly pension to women affected by acid attacks?
Recently Asian King Vulture Conservation “JATAYU CONSERVATION AND BREEDING CENTRE” Inaugurated in which state.
Who has been appointed as the Director General of the Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)?
Under which article of the Indian Constitution was the GST Council established?
Indian Oil Corp (IOC) Partnered with LanzaJet, a leading sustainable fuels technology company, to establish an aviation fuel plant in which state?