In the Stand-Up India scheme, banks provide loans from Rs 10 lakh to Rs 1 crore to at least one Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower and at least one woman borrower per bank branch. This scheme was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in April, 2016. It will be available at all branches of Scheduled Commercial Banks.
Reserve Bank of India has cancelled the license of Independence Co-operative Bank Ltd. It is based at ________________.
Which institution is the most important constituent of Indian money market?
Which ratio provides critical information related to long term operation of a firm?
What is VaR-
_____________ is the process usually accelerated by the roll up merger.
With the information given below, what is the Equity Multiplier of a firm?
Total Assets of the firm = 200,000
Total Debt =50,0...
If a bond is issued when prevailing interest rates are 8% at Rs.1,000 par value with a 8% annual coupon. Which of the following is NOT correct?
...In India, Commercial Papers are issued as per the guidelines issued by:
In conducting Open Market Operations (OMO), RBI targets to regulated-
Currency Swap is an instrument to manage-