The sixth edition of Japan India Maritime Exercise 2022 (JIMEX 2022) hosted by Indian Navy commenced in the Bay of Bengal on 11 September 2022. The exercise is to be done in two phases one at sea and another at harbour phase at Visakhapatnam.
How C related to F?
How is C related to D?
If C is the only son-in-law of J, then how is C related to Z’s father?
How is M related to P?
Which of the following is definitely false?
Ajit and Binit are brothers and Chameli and Dhameli are sisters. Ajit’s son is Dhameli’s brother. How is Binit related to Chameli?
How G is related to A?
If ‘P#Q’ means ‘P is father of Q’ ‘P@Q’ means ‘P is daughter of Q’ ‘P$Q’ means ‘P is son of Q’ ‘P%Q’ means ‘P is mother of...
If ‘A % B’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’, ‘A & B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’, and ‘A # B’ means ‘A is the son of B’, then how i...
If E does not have any Granddaughter, then how many female members are there in the family?