The private bank Karur Vysya Bank got the approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for the appointment of former RBI executive Meena Hemchandra as part-time chairman of the bank for three years.
Where is Cholecalciferol synthesized in the human body?
Which of the following statement is INCORRECT with respect to trans fats?
Which one of the following is the richest source of iron?
As per regulations, the contaminant melamine in powdered infant formulas should not exceed the Maximum Permissible Level of:
The diseases organisms ______ and ______ are transmitted through consuming contaminated, undercooked pork
Erythritol provides ______ kcal/g.
Which of the following vitamins has a chromane ring in its structure?
The disaccharide ______ has α -1,4 glycosidic linkages.
As per food fortification regulations, which statement is INCORRECT: