Debt/Equity Ratio is a debt ratio used to measure a company's financial leverage, calculated by dividing a company's total liabilities by its stockholders' equity. The D/E ratio indicates how much debt a company is using to finance its assets relative to the amount of value represented in shareholders' equity Debt/Equity ratio = (Long Term Borrowing)/(Share Capital + Reserve and Surplus)= 1,000,000/(800,000+200,000)= 1:1 Net income and current liabilities have nothing to do with Debt Equity ratio.
As per Section 24A of SEBI Act, compounding of offence by Securities Appellate Tribunal can be done
When an opinion of a person is relevant grounds of the opinion are:
What is the primary purpose of tort law?
For the purpose of hearing any reference under Article 143 of Constitution of India, the minimum number of judges of Supreme Court who are to sit for th...
Under the Indian Contract Act, which of the following statements correctly describes when the consideration or object of an agreement is considered unla...
Which Part of the Constitution of India consists of Emergency provisions?
Section 7 of the Court Fees Act, 1870 deals with________.
The maximum number of times a president can be re-elected in India is?
As per the Contract Act what is the liability of person to whom money is paid, or thing delivered, by mistake or under coercion?
Whoever commits criminal breach of trust shall be punished with__________________