Corporate Social Responsibility is a management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders. CSR is generally understood as being the way through which a company achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives (“Triple-Bottom-Line- Approach”), while at the same time addressing the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders.
Which storage technology uses optical discs to store data and is commonly used for distributing software, movies, and music?
Which SQL keyword is used to add new rows to a table?
What will be the output of the code
int main(){
int x= 10;
int y=10;
int s=-(-x-y)
return 0;
Various IPC mechanisms are:
...What does CSS stand for in web development?
Which component of RDBMS is responsible for processing SQL queries and managing database interactions?
The worst case occur in quick sort when _____
Which key is used to create a digital signature?
Which of the following is a programming language commonly used for controlling electronic devices?
In relational algebra, which operation is used to combine two relations and eliminate duplicate rows?